PSHE and Citizenship
Personal, Social and Health Education is delivered to our students throughout Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. One timetabled period is dedicated to PSHE and Citizenship each week and is delivered by a team of teachers.
Topics covered include healthy routines and relationships, human rights and responsibilities, the global community, active citizenship, planning for the future and career development as well as sessions on financial management and government and politics.
Where possible, outside agencies come in to deliver talks on specialised subjects such as internet safety and managing risks.
The curriculum is designed to address topics which are particularly relevant to specific year groups, for example lessons on creating CVs and applying for further education are covered in KS4.
There is no formal examination in PSHE and Citizenship. Assessment of student work is carried out in lessons and an assessment sheet is completed every half-term. There is no PSHE and Citizenship teaching during the formal GCSE Examination Period.
The aim of Citizenship within the curriculum is to prepare students for life in the community when they leave school. Six lessons dedicated to Citizenship are given to each year group for half a term. In addition the topics related to the subject are integrated into other parts of the curriculum as appropriate.
Topics covered include:
- Crime and Law
- Government and Politics
- Democracy
- Rights and Responsibilities
- Global Issues