OFSTED Grades Saint George OUTSTANDING in all Areas



As we start the new academic year we can officially confirm that following a graded inspection by OFSTED on Tuesday 27th& Wednesday 28th June 2023 that St George Catholic College has been judged Outstanding in all areas. Thank you so much for your support, to your son/daughter who with our incredible staff have made St George a family that we can all be incredibly proud off that is proving to get the best out of each other. I have attached the report which I would encourage you to read. Above all we thank God for his continued blessings on our school and we will retain a humble spirit following this judgement. It is also on our website on the following link:

Ofsted Inspection Report 2023

Most importantly you can be proud and reassured that your son/daughter is getting an outstanding Catholic education. To provide some context to this report, St George Catholic College opened in 1958, it has never been judged outstanding before in all its history, in fact in the last 15 years was close to closing and significantly underperforming. This is arguably the hardest ever OFSTED framework there has ever been. Less than 10% of schools nationally are judged Outstanding and there are many complex issues in the press about inspections and judgements which we understand and sympathise with. The number of Outstanding schools is reducing. Saint George has achieved this judgement the hardest possible way, having two separate inspections over the course of two years. It has been on a journey and there are many people to thank for putting the school in a position it is now. It’s been a team effort and I can’t be more proud of everyone and their commitment to our school and each other and the continued improvement journey we are determined to make, it does not stop now. We are really pleased that the inspection team really captured what St George is all about:

“This is a truly inclusive and welcoming school. The school’s ASPIRE values are understood and treasured by the whole community. One pupil said ‘I love the school values. I will carry them with me forever”

It is a lovely way to start the new academic year it. We know the impact an OFSTED inspection can have on a school and hope the students and staff are proud of the recognition they deserve for what they do every day. It works and has impact. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will retain a humble approach following this judgement and are determined to continue to improve.

If you have any questions please do get in touch. We are looking forward to the year ahead and getting the best out of our children.

Kind Regards

Mr. James Habberley


Saint George Catholic College

Leaside Way


SO16 3DQ

Telephone: 02380 322603 Ext 239

Mobile: 07900445991

Email: head@stgcc.co.uk


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