Headteacher Letter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We hope you all had a good weekend. As we come to the end of this half term we said we would review our position on face coverings. From Monday 28th February 2022 face coverings do not need to be worn in school by students or staff unless they choose to. We would encourage all students to not wear them at all in performance and practical subjects. In addition, face coverings do not need to be worn on school transport unless your son/daughter chooses to. The national picture and the direction from the Government is clearly changing. We would like to make clear that no jackets should be worn in lessons. We have to do what is best for our family and at the moment cases are low. We are delighted with the attitude of our students and hope that will notneed to put in place any future contingency measures. We will continue to monitor this and we can confirm that at the time of writing, saliva testing will continue on a Tuesday and Friday as part of our approach to keeping everyone safe.
Thank you for your support this half term. Please note the email from Mr Bedford, Assistant Headteacher on the change to mentoring day for the spring and summer term this year. Further information will come out in the summer term concerning the plan for next year’s parents evenings and mentoring day based on your feedback to our questionnaires you filled in.
Change of Dates, Summer Term:
An early heads up that we have had to change the date of our INSET day in the summer term due to the updated scheduling to this summer’s Year 11 public exams and an additional bank holiday has been added in order celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We apologise for the inconvenience caused. Therefore:-
• Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd May 2022 are both bank holidays. All Southampton Schools have informally agreed we would choose this day as an additional day to celebrate the Queen’s jubilee as the original date falls in the summer half-term holiday.
• Year 11 Leavers’ Mass and celebration assembly is now on Monday 9th May 2022 Period 4 and Period 5 in the main hall. This has moved from Friday 27th May 2022 due to rescheduled Year 11 exams which creates a clash.
• Friday 27th May 2022: Is a full day starting at 8:40am and finishing at 3:00pm.
• Thursday 23rd June 2022: Is a normal school day and no longer an INSET Day. This has had to be changed due to the clash with Year 11 exams on that day.
• Thursday 30th June 2022 is an INSET Day.
If you have any questions please get in touch. We wish you and your family a lovely half term.
Kind Regards
Mr. James Habberley
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