Face Coverings & Building News
Dear Parent/Guardian
Face Coverings
I hope you are all well. As you will be aware the Government is now advising that face coverings do not need to be worn in classrooms or communal areas unless the school is advised to by the regional Director of Public Health. Given that the number of cases for students and staff remain incredibly low, we still want to remain cautious and ensure we are being proportionate and gradual in our response. We do instinctively feel that the use of face coverings, regular Saliva Testing and enhanced cleaning has helped to keep infections low and we are aware how quickly it can change. Therefore, from today Thursday 20th January 2022, students and staff do not need to wear a face covering in classrooms unless they choose to, but we would like students and staff to continue to wear a face covering in communal areas. This does not apply to any student who is medically exempt. We will review our policy on face coverings in communal areas again at half term. If you have any questions please ask.
Building Works
Building works commence Monday 4th April 2022 – Finish February half term 2023.
It’s exciting news for Saint George that building works to the front of the school start on Monday 4th April and will hopefully finish in under 10 months. Please see attached some drawings to give you an impression of what it should look like. This will include a new state of the art Library resource centre alongside a larger dining room, new chapel, a large number of additional toilets for girls and boys in the main building on the ground floor and first floor, a new school reception and admin areas. It will of course be a challenging time to manage the site safely while the works are taking place but we are confident it should not be too disruptive. Please be aware if you are visiting the school from the 4th April onwards the school reception will be located in a temporary portacabin at the front of the school and therefore please look out for the signs if you are coming onto school site. We will be explaining the plans, rules and updated routes around school over the course of the next few weeks.
If you have any questions please ask.
Mr. James Habberley
Saint George Catholic College
Leaside Way
SO16 3DQ
Email: head@stgcc.co.uk
Please see building project details, attached.