Returning in September
Please note that Monday 6th September is for Year 7 only. All year groups return on Tuesday 7th September.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Changes for All Students from September 2021: Start to Term
We want to make sure all our families were well prepared for our return to normal routines and structures at school from the start of September 2021. We have done so well to get through this year with so few cases and we are so proud of how supportive and resilient your son/daughter has been throughout. As you will be aware, the Government has lifted all social distancing measures from Monday 19th July 2021 and the Department for Education has confirmed an end to children remaining in year group bubbles. This is, of course, subject to there being no changes or updated announcements from the Government over the summer break. If there is, then of course I will write to you again.
We are looking forward to seeing Year 7 students return on Monday 6th September 2021 at 8:30am and all other students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 on Tuesday 7th September 2021 by 8:40am.
Lateral Flow Testing: For all pupils who consent in September
As advised by the Department for Education we will test all students who have consented to be tested for COVID-19 in the sports hall using the Lateral Flow Test week commencing Monday 6th September 2021 and a second time week commencing Monday 13th September 2021. Please see below an overview of when each year group will be tested:
As indicated above, this will only take place during their first and second week back at school. Following the second week of testing on site, we would expect all students to continue testing themselves at home twice a week until advised by Public Health England to not to. For information, we have written to all new Year 7 students and parents requesting they complete our online consent form. For Years 8-11 we already have your consent form from the testing completed in March 2021. If your son/daughter does not want to be tested they can decline at any moment.
Our Medical team of volunteers headed by our amazing staff nurse, Mrs Terri Chappell, will lead the testing programme. Please can we request that all students who have consented to test in Years 8-11 to complete a lateral flow test the day before you come back to school in September in order to keep us all safe and to prevent any close contacts having to be sent home. All students have been issued with lateral flow tests to last the summer holidays. We would advise that you do not need to test twice a week over the summer but once in order to make sure you have enough tests to last the summer break. Our privacy notice and FAQ about the data that is shared is on our website under Lateral Flow Testing by clicking on the link below:
If you son/daughter will be in Year 8-11 next year and you had not consented to lateral flow testing in March this year and you would like to for September, please click on the link and complete the consent form by Friday 16th July 2021.
Open link