Charles Marchetti

Dear all

I’m sorry to say that with a heavy heart Charles Marchetti our Chair of Governors passed away on Tuesday 1st December 2020.  Charles was diagnosed with an Ocular melanoma earlier in the year which he had been receiving treatment for.

Unfortunately the cancer had spread to his liver and has proved to be very aggressive. There is no treatment and in the last month his condition had worsened. He had been at home, comfortable and was being cared for by his wife, being regularly visited by his family. His wish was that he did not want people to widely know his condition. He wanted to be remembered as you knew him. Charles has been a Governor at Saint George for close to 20 years and Chair for 6 years. He has been a huge supporter of the school and key to its growth and development. He cared deeply about the school and its Catholic community and to the bitter end wanted to remain loyal and carry out his duties. As a school, with the Bishop’s blessing we have applied for the Benemerenti as a testament to the impact he had at Saint George which will be a gift for his family and part of his legacy for them to reflect on in the future. We will of course, at an appropriate time, hold a Mass for Charles. If you would like to pass on your condolences please contact me and I will ensure these reach the family. Take care everyone and stay safe.

Eternal rest grant unto him,
O Lord, and let perpetual light

shine upon him. May his soul and
the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

James Habberley